Skulls, 2005-2006

As part of Bone Idle (the Showroom Dummies pop up shop and exhibition in Charing X gallery, 2005), Abigail invited 11 friends to decorate a skull. Each artist was sent a plastic medical skull - in a black box, silkscreened with a white skull and crystal teeth applied. The artists were Sarah Lucas, Tracey Emin, Don Brown, Peter Blake, Rebecca Warren, Damien Hirst, Angus Fairhurst, David Harrison, Tim Noble and Sue Webster, Gavin Turk and Mat Collishaw. Last Laugh was Abigail's work so that there were 12 skulls in total. Her skull has cast wax ears attached to it. The works were auctioned from the shop during the show.

Click here to view the auction list.

In 2006, Abigail made The Three Graces, a group of skulls with red wax additions. The group consisted of The Last Laugh (in red) that has red wax ears, Lust for Life, which has an extended red wax tongue and Nosey Cow, which has a red wax nose. The three were shown together as part of the Showroom Dummies Bone Idle project in Selfridges, London and then later at Kaare Berntsen Gallery, Oslo in 2008.

The Three Graces: Last laugh, Lust for life and Nosey cow
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The Three Graces: Last laugh, Lust for life and Nosey cow
Plastic skulls, red wax
15 x 14 x 21cm, 15 x 16 x 21cm, 15 x 14 x23cm