Picking up the Pieces, 2013

Picking up the Pieces is an ongoing series to be shown collectively or as individual works. Each work revolves around a plinth. Some details are real and others made to look real - many components are made of painted wax. This is an image of country life. Plinths are upturned by molehills, ideas spilt - things are falling, looking for each other, often slapstick funny, sometimes sad.

Fallen Oak Tree. A glass sits in the pool of its spilt 'water' on top of a white plinth. It makes reference to Michael Craig Martin's sculpture An Oak Tree, 1974.

Bringing up the Kids. A plinth is lifted by the artist's hand so that it sits at an angle. An apple is balanced on its top edge.

Love will tear us apart (again). A plinth is lifted by a molehill. On its top is one half of a broken dish upon which there is a snail. The other half of the dish sits on the floor with lettuce leaf and snail.

Teenage Angst. A perfect ripe apple is haemorrhaging blood from a small hole onto the plinth that is holding it up.

The slippery slope of spent ideas. A plinth is lifted by a molehill. On the edge of its sloped top is a fried egg. Other eggs are on the floor; a conveyor belt of fallen dreams, initiatives and ideas.


Sacred heart


Also related: Incurable Romantic, Your world is a burden to me

PIcking up the pieces
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PIcking up the pieces